


Your First 30 Minute Session

I always require a no charge 30 minute session before either of us commit to working together. This is for a few reasons:

  • I allows us to get a feel for each other without making a commitment. I don’t want you to pre-maturely hire me to help you if I’m not YOUR best fit. Likewise, it doesn’t serve me if I am not able to support you well. I rely mostly on word of mouth so if you aren’t happy, I’m not happy.

  • Does what I have to offer resonate with you? Sure, it’s great to have tools and support, but how supportive is it really if we don’t “dance” well together?

  • I get to find out about you, you get to find out about me and at minimum “we” can get you started with some supportive ideas or tools. I truly am here to help and I LOVE sharing what has worked for me and getting people excited about bringing Joy to their lives.

  • You get to start thinking and brainstorming about what you really need or want to cultivate in your life.


Cultivating Occasional’s ~ 30 Focused Minutes

For those who are highly motivated, need little guidance and are strong manifesters. I offer 30 minute intense sessions that help you to learn how to take the initiative and stay motivated. They are fast, intense and empowering. This “Cultivating Occasional” includes:

  • 1 - 30 minute 1:1 session.

  • 1 - Reflective follow up email that includes additional topic relative support.


Cultivating Occasional’s ~ 90 Manifesting Minutes

Needing just a little support? I recognize that committing to a 4 month program can feel daunting. You also may just need a little support versus a whole 4 months! Whatever your need, this is an alternative to the 4 month commitment. After our initial connection, you are welcomed to utilize the occasional support session option. Although this option holds no continued commitment on your part, it does still allow you to connect with me on a 1:1 level and utilize our sessions on a more as needed basis. During these intense, 90 minutes sessions, as always, the session will be devoted to you and the issues that you are dealing with at hand. Because these sessions carry no continued commitment, I do need to take them on a first come first serve basis and they may be subject to a wait time but I will do my best to accommodate your needs! Here’s what this option includes:

  • 1 - 90 minute, highly focused 1:1 session. We start right in quickly!

  • 1 - Reflective email highlighting our session, your action items, and relevant informational resources (this may include recipes, referrals, videos, links, recordings, etc).

  • *Unlimited texting, email and Voxer support for 1 week.


Intuitive Eating ~ One Month

This one month program gives you everything you need to jump start your nutrition, increase your health and vitality and empower your food choices! We get into your kitchen (a virtual option is available too), take a trip to the grocery store, learn what foods are the most supportive whether you are vegan, vegetarian, carnivore or just plain standard american dieter. This program kicks butt in getting you motivated for change and gives you the resources to succeed!

  • 2 - 1:1 Live Sessions

  • 4 - Reflective emails highlighting important actions for you to work on over the month.

  • Kitchen Make Over (virtually)

  • Access to volumes of applicable information, menu’s and recipes via emails and recordings ~ yours to keep!

  • “Unlimited email, text and Voxer support throughout the whole month.


Cultivating Joy ~ Full Four Month Program

Best Deal ~ Best Savings! After your FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION, we get started with your first super focused 90 minute session. The aim here is to brainstorm all of the initial areas you want to work on. We explore what your true desires are, why they matter, and what needs to happen to cultivate them into existence. What will create the most joy in your life? This may include reducing stress, adding movement into your life, time or weight management, boundary skills, empowering tools or establishing a healthy relationship with your inner YOU. Then, during your subsequent sessions, we start the cultivating the JOY! Making the changes a reality! You are fully supported not only by your 1:1 sessions but also with unlimited access to me by text, Voxer and email through the weeks. Whatever areas of life you are needing support in we will do it with this all inclusive program! Here’s what you get:

  • 1 - 90 Minutes Reflective Session

  • 4 months of weekly 60 minute sessions. 13 - 1:1 highly focused sessions!

  • *Unlimited texting and Voxer (voice messaging) support as needed.

  • Life time access to all of my online resources, recordings, recipes, etc.

  • Weekly session reflection emails that include our topics and highlights of discussion to keep you focused and motivated through the weeks.

  • Two personalized surprise gift packages sent to you (one at the half way point and one at the end). These are very thoughtful gifts that are personalized and relevant to the work you are doing. Who doesn’t like super awesome surprises?

* Unlimited between the hours of 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Monday - Sunday ~ Availability is dependent upon cell phone coverage/wifi/internet connection and may be disrupted with un-foreseen technical issues.. That being said, every effort is made to keep these potential issues at a minimum.

Reach out with questions here or if you are ready, connect to schedule your initial free chat.