My Mission and Promise to You

My mission is to provide you with exceptional mind/body & soulful support. I not only rely on my own personal life experiences but, but also on the teachings of Holistic Health, Nutrition, Sustainable Compassion, Health Psychology and Social Work Topics including over a decade of experience in the healing arts such as Massage Therapy and Yoga both clinically and intuitively.

My promise is to honor you and our relationship. This includes honoring your trust, your body, your feelings, your words, your concerns, your time and your financial exchange. It is important to me that our time together enables you to physically and emotionally start the healing process. I take your wellness to heart. I will expect you to do the same. These therapies can be powerful and life changing but it really is up to you. It is your body, heart, spirit and mind that does the healing. When the body and spirit are open and ready to receive nurturing support of therapeutic touch, energy work or mindful lifestyle support, the healing starts to happen. Yes, it’s really that simple but so much easier said then done.

What is Grace?

Grace means different things to many people.

Having the "grace of God", being "graceful", growing old "gracefully", namesake "Grace", to have elegance, and to "honor" to name a few. They all resonate with us at some level.  

YOU are Grace.

Here are some thoughts I have about what it means to me both personally and professionally.  

Losing Grace

Many of us can be over burdened by the influx of commercials, magazines, movies and media telling us how we are supposed to look, behave and what we should become.  Losing grace comes when we believe the lies,  when we stop trusting our "gut" and lose our perspective of the true beauty of soul that lies within us. We forget that if we listen to our soul’s, our lives purpose, we will innately have that wisdom and shine brightly.

We forget that our little imperfections and "flaws" that the media sees as wrong and ugly are really what make us perfectly unique and traits that are cherished by those who love us. 

Losing grace is when we stop taking care of our bodies, our minds and our souls, when we bundle up the everyday and forget that it is made up of hundreds of "moments". Opportunities to listen, to feel, to smile, to learn, to grow, to make a difference in another person's life or in our own.

Pain is a sign of inflammation or harm. It is our body's way of saying "Pay attention to me, heal me, nurture me." When we get these signs it’s time to listen. Whether it’s physical, emotional or a disconnect with spirit.

Listen to your body, your mind and SOUL!

Finding Grace

Finding grace starts when you realize that your body, your soul's vessel, no longer functions as optimally as it once did and you use that realization to nurture yourself. It is the moment when you decide to hold yourself precious instead of beating yourself up because you aren't everything that you or the world expects you to be. Finding grace is when you look in the mirror and are able to honestly say to yourself "I love you." No matter what age, profession or dreams you may have, connecting with how your body, mind and soul feels at any given time, during any activity, can give you an opportunity to take a step towards grace. 

 Grace is the mindful connection between your mind, your body and your soul.  

Utilizing Health & Life Counseling, Yogic Mentoring, Massage and Energy work can all help move you towards states of "peace of mind" and reconnect you to your spirit.  As a practitioner for over a decade, I have witnessed not just health improvements in my clients but also healthy increases in self esteem, optimism and wellness.  My mission is to help you find YOUR GRACE.

Lets talk about how these services can benefit you. Schedule a free consultation.  Give yourself the gift of YOU, cherish and nourish your body and spirit. Laugh at your perfect imperfections, focus on a brighter future and feed your soul!  

Click here to connect with me and schedule your session!