Cultivating Intuitive Play

Do you remember what it was like to just play? Play can take all kinds of twists and turns! It can be a spontaneous pillow fight, or a walk in the woods creating “hobbit” homes. Play is naturally intuitive and creative. It helps the brain and the body connect! Below are some ways to Play! It’s a state of mind! Have fun! Enjoy!:

~ Intuitive Play ~

  • Reading a book

  • Paint or Color ~ Lots of adult coloring book options to cultivate creativity

  • Take a road trip with no actual destination ~ Explore.

  • Play some board games

  • Become a Big Brother or Big Sister

  • Try new foods or recipes you have never tried before

  • Draw a smile face on your bathroom mirror with lip stick

  • Make sticky notes up all over your home to remind you to play

  • Take a walk and search for stones or unique sticks





30 Minute Exploration Chat

Lets connect and explore areas of your life that may need supportive balance! Play is one of these areas that can get out of balance.

Start having more fun!